Expert Virtual Services

Project Manager in a team meeting

3 Ways a Project Manager Benefits Your Coaching Business


A project manager (PM) is an essential part of any successful business. As your coaching business grows, you will realize that you cannot possibly do everything. To grow consistently, you need an expert who can organize and streamline operations on your behalf. With that in mind, here are three ways that a PM can move your business forward. 

Reach Goals Consistently

As a business or life coach, your ultimate purpose is to guide your clients towards their goals. But how does your own coaching business stay on track? Partnering with the right project manager ensures you reach your goals consistently. 


A strong project manager will review your annual goals and set realistic timelines for achieving those goals. Think of a project manager as a reliable resource who can look at your goals objectively. They can then break down your large projects into manageable sub-goals, which means you are on track and ultimately successful. 


But how can one person do all of this? Well, it takes a village, as the saying goes. A PM will keep other team members and outside vendors accountable for due dates. Imagine having a reliable person to follow up with the team, instead of you doing it –  on top of everything else. 


Technology is often used to monitor goal achievement. Many project managers are skilled in using tools like Asana, Trello, Airtable, and other similar platforms. Managing multiple priorities can only be achieved using technology these days. Rest assured that if actions are documented in one of these platforms, it probably won’t be overlooked! 

Operations are Organized and Processes are In Place 

Sometimes building a business is like building an airplane as you fly it. You conquer tasks as they come up, without documenting how you did it. Having a project manager by your side allows that person to capture standard operating procedures (SOPs) and best practices (BPs). 


In other words, project managers bring a calm order to all the chaos. Did you ever have a team member leave and have to retrain the new person? If so, you know how much time it takes. With a project manager documenting SOPs and BPs, training a new team member will take less time. Plus, a project manager could even do the initial training with you giving guidance where needed. 


Focus on The Work that Inspires You

As a coach, your passion is to help others and witness their growth. Don’t let the administrative demands of running a coaching business divert your attention away from this. 


A project manager becomes your right hand for managing the day-to-day tasks and your business goals and objectives. Imagine waking up each day knowing that you can focus on coaching sessions instead of handling administrative busywork. Schedule a team meeting with your project manager and find out how things are going each week. Then spend the week cultivating relationships with current and potential clients. 


With some extra time on your hands, you can even start developing new programs based on client feedback. Or work on your own professional development and become a better coach, leader, and colleague. As a result, your coaching business will flourish, and you can thrive professionally.


Are You Ready for a Project Manager in Your Business?

As you can see, partnering with a project manager benefits your coaching business in meaningful ways. But how do you know if you are ready to hire a project manager? You can find out easily over a cup of coffee with the Founder of Expert Virtual Services, LaRinda Lollis. Schedule a no-obligation call at your earliest convenience to learn more.