Expert Virtual Services

case study, virtual assistant, customer service, time, energy, measurable benefits

A Case Study in How Caring Can Increase Customer Service

Meet LeeAnn 

LeeAnn has 25 years of Marketing and Business Development experience and was an attorney in her past life.  She coaches her clients to Build (3 day Lead Machine weekend, create a lead magnet, set up all the technology, and create those foundational elements that you need to market your business) – Grow (Virtual Summit Production to build email lists) – Nurture (eMail with H.E.A.R.T. Huddle, which is a monthly membership program that is part accountability and part mastermind) their email lists with eMail with H.E.A.R.T. without being cheesy.

LeeAnn’s Problem

LeeAnn was a one-woman show in that all the Virtual Assistants she had working with her were client-facing meaning they worked with her clients and didn’t help her run her business.  She was pretty much doing everything herself.  This was making her very tired.  It was taking her energy and time to do the things that were not her specialty. The time it took her to set up emails to go out to remind people of her program was time not spent on creating content or shooting videos or honing her systems or marketing that brings more energy in for her.  

LeeAnn’s Solution

LeeAnn either continued to do everything herself or she hired someone as a personal Virtual Assistant.  She wanted someone based in the US and English-speaking.  She decided to hire me because I have the experience. LeeAnn didn’t want to spend a lot of time training someone to do the work.  She also felt she can teach someone skills, but you can’t teach someone to care.  She got the sense that I actually care 100% about whether the job is done well, and to her, that is a premium.  

Measurable Benefits In Customer Service

In April and May, it was very intense. She felt that the customer service level would have dropped in the sense that the Huddle emails may have been late going out and the recordings may have been late being uploaded.  She was able to give a lot of that work to me and I have been able to take more of the work off her plate.  For every hour I have billed her she has gained at least that if not more back to allow her more time to work on building her business.

She loves how I care about her work.  For instance, someone assigned a task to me accidentally and I started doing it even though I didn’t know how to do it.  I figured it out as far as I could and then sent it to her with questions.  

May I Help You?

Make a list of everything you do and everything you should be doing.  Circle the items which are most impactful for your business.  Give everything else to me and see how your world can change!  Let me show you how my caring can increase your customer service.  Schedule your FREE Virtual Coffee with me to see how I can help you free up your time and energy.