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stress, stress reduction, hugs, laughter, medicine, cortisol, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins

Laughter And Hugs Are The Best Medicine For Stress Reduction

There is truth to the popular quote, “laughter is the best medicine.” This quote is believed to have originated from Proverbs 17:22. The King James version of this passage states, “A merry heart doeth good like medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Other versions of the bible simply replace a “merry” heart with words like “joyful heart” or “cheerful heart.” Laughter is a sign of a merry, joyful, and cheerful heart. The bible literally tells us how to reduce our stress!  Did you know that hugs are another natural medicine for stress reduction?

Hugs and laughter are just two of the many ways to relax your body and mind. Did you ever have a bad day, and then someone made you laugh, and it was just what you needed? Think back to when you were angry or terribly sad, and a hug from a loved one helped ease your tension and melted your worries away. You probably didn’t realize the science behind those hugs and laughter and how they play a part in living a healthy life.

Laugh It Out

There are immediate health benefits to laughing, so it’s time to laugh it right out when you feel the stress coming on! It’s hard to stay angry, stressed, or worried when you are laughing. It’s a great way to take your mind off your concerns and relax your body and mind. Here’s how laughter helps with stress reduction:

  • Laughter reduces stress hormones. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that circulates through your body when you feel stressed. While cortisol helps your body deal with stressful situations, too much cortisol on a long-term basis can lead to many health issues. It can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, low energy, and irritable mood swings. These health issues can bring on more stress, causing a vicious cycle that leads to poor health. Laughter can decrease cortisol levels by increasing your oxygen intake and stimulating circulation in your body.
  • Laughter increases endorphins. Endorphins are the “feel good” chemicals your brain produces. When laughter releases endorphins into your body, your body fights off the stress and produces a positive mood.
  • Laughter provides a physical release. When you are stressed, your body becomes tense, and your heart rate goes up. Sometimes you just need to release that tension in your body. When you have a good laugh, it provides a physical and emotional release. It can even feel like a cleansing, erasing the tension and causing you to relax. 
  • Laughing distracts you from your worries. Sitcom tv shows became a popular evening activity after a stressful day at work. When your mind focuses on something funny that makes you laugh, it’s a quick fix and temporary solution to help take your mind off the negative circumstances. 

Hug It Out

If you think you are not the hugging type, you may want to rethink that! Hugging is not just a way to show affection. It can be a life-saver, too! And there is plenty of scientific evidence to back it up. Here’s how hugging can reduce stress:

  • Hugs reduce the cortisol level circulating in your blood. There’s that cortisol factor again! You don’t want that stress hormone staying in your system for long. Use hugs (and laughter) to move them out!
  • Hugs also release endorphins. Just like laughter releases endorphins, hugs can cheer you up and make you feel so much better. Endorphins are also known as natural pain relievers.
  • Hugs raise serotonin levels. You will want more serotonin in your body because it improves mood, helps you to feel happier, and sleep better.
  • Hugs boost oxytocin levels. Higher oxytocin levels mean less feelings of anger, isolation, and loneliness. 
  • Hugs increase dopamine production. Dopamine is produced in the reward center of the brain. It makes you feel happier and reduces feelings of depression. 
  • Hugs can lower your blood pressure. One of the side effects of stress is high blood pressure, which can lead to health issues, such as heart attack and stroke. 

Add More Hugs And Laughter Into Your Life

Everyone can use more laughter in their life. Some fun ways to laugh more are to watch funny YouTube videos and follow meme accounts on social media. Watch a funny movie or your favorite sitcom. Invite your funny friends and family over for a game night and get ready to laugh so hard that you cry (also a great physical and emotional stress reliever.)! 

Don’t skip out on the hugs. You don’t have to go around hugging strangers or making it awkward. Make an effort to hug your spouse and children more. If you are single, hug a good friend when you or your friend need one. Snuggle up with your furry friends! There is a reason that dogs, and even cats, make great support animals. They provide many of the same stress reduction benefits that hugs and laughter can do!

What are your favorite ways to add fun and laughter to your life for stress reduction?