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motivation, energy, physical energy, mental energy, rest, procrastinate, focus, entrepreneur

Best Ways To Boost Your Motivation Quickly

Your deadline is quickly approaching, and you haven’t even started the project yet. You know you need to get it started. But you just can’t find the motivation. Now time is running out, and you can’t procrastinate anymore. Does this sound familiar? The next time this happens to you, remember these tips on how to boost your motivation quickly so you can get the job done!

Just Get Started

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part when we lack focus and inspiration on a job we need to do. We procrastinate and put off doing something because we just don’t feel like doing it! We tell ourselves we have more time to get it done, but we underestimate it. Now the deadline is just a few hours away, and we are biting our nails and feeling anxious that we waited so long. Why did we put it off so long anyway?

Perhaps you were waiting until you had more energy and focus. If it’s a creative project such as writing or designing, you may be waiting around for inspiration. But if that inspiration doesn’t come, then what do you do? Inspiration doesn’t have to just come to you. You can create the inspiration you need in order to make progress. 

Sometimes the only way to get the job done is just to get started. Even if all you do is a few minutes of preparation, at least you started. All progress and self-motivation start with taking action. You will never get where you are going until you take the first step. Then you take the next step. One foot forward again and again until you reach your destination. You may be surprised that it’s easier to take the next step once you take that first step. Once you are in action, your energy picks up, and motivation kicks in.

Increase Your Energy To Increase Your Motivation

In the same way you can create inspiration, you can also create energy. If you are tired, you won’t be able to focus on the work that you need to do. A solution is to get up and move your body. Exercise is known to increase mental clarity, decrease stress, and boost productivity. You don’t have to do a high-calorie workout or run. If you overdo it, you will then feel more tired. Take a brisk walk outside on your lunch break or put on some music and just dance! You will feel energized and alert and ready to tackle your to-do list.

Mental energy is just as important as physical energy when it comes to motivation. Think about a time when you were excited about something. Chances are, you were probably highly motivated to do something. Did you accomplish a huge goal or finish a big project?  Thinking of a time when you accomplished something exciting will empower you to reach another goal or improve your previous performance. When we are excited and motivated about the things we do, we have high levels of energy. High levels of energy produce continual growth and confidence.

Rest And Reset

Sometimes you just need to get more rest. You might think that sounds like an excuse to procrastinate more. Do you ever experience brain fog, or do you just feel sleepy when you are trying to find the motivation to do something? You might grab a coffee to get a caffeine buzz going, but your body is actually telling you that you need to rest. Try to find a cozy spot where you can put your head down and close your eyes. Allow yourself to take a 20-30 minute power nap. You will wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to work. Your power nap will stay with you longer than a caffeine buzz, and you won’t have the “caffeine crash” later!

Get Inspired By Podcasts

Do you like to listen to podcasts? You can listen to them when you drive or take a walk, or even when cleaning your home. There are so many motivational podcasts you can listen to. You can find podcasts by Life Coaches, health and fitness experts, and just about every type of entrepreneur. Whatever field of business you do, you can find a podcast about your niche. In fact, if you have an online business or want to start one, I recommend the Dare To Leap podcast with my coach, Kathy Gougenhour! You will even find an interview that I did with Kathy where we talk about living an entrepreneurial life under God’s grace.

Listening to motivational podcasts, YouTube videos, and TED Talks is a great way to quickly increase your motivation. You can also listen to motivational audiobooks from your favorite business and development authors, such as Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, and John C. Maxwell. If you make listening to motivational podcasts and audiobooks a regular habit, it may help keep you in a state of motivation and focus to keep reaching toward your goals. 

What is your favorite way to boost your motivation and get stuff done?