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self-doubt, confidence, believe in yourself, relationships, toxic relationships, success

5 Reasons To Believe In Yourself When Experiencing Self-Doubt

Everyone experiences self-doubt now and then. You wouldn’t be human if you never experienced it. However, just because it’s a normal part of life doesn’t mean that you have to stay stuck in those periods of self-doubt. Prolonged periods of self-doubt can negatively impact your life in many ways. It’s a learned behavior that you can overcome when you identify how self-doubt can set in. Perhaps you just need to look at all of the reasons to believe in yourself in order to move forward and overcome those periods of self-doubt and lack of confidence.

You Deserve It!

Someone experiencing self-doubt may feel like they don’t deserve good things in life. They often feel like a failure or as if they aren’t doing enough. Self-doubt can sabotage your motivation and leave you feeling defeated, leading to procrastination. When you think this way, it’s time to tell yourself the truth. The truth is: you deserve it! 

Despite whatever circumstances are holding you back and causing those feelings of self-doubt, realize that you really do deserve to live a happy and fulfilled life. You deserve to feel good about yourself and any bit of success you reach in your life and career. You may not be where you want to be, but wallowing in self-doubt and self-pity won’t get you anywhere. Success comes to those who believe in themselves.

Your Relationships Play A Role

Take a look at your closest relationships. Which relationships make you feel happy and supported? Those people in your life likely believe in you, and you trust them. Those are your people. If you told them that you feel self-doubt about certain things in your life, they would likely support you and tell you why you should believe in yourself. Maybe you need an accountability partner to check in with every so often to help you through those moments of self-doubt and push you when you need it. 

On the flip side, if any toxic relationships are holding you back, you may need to cut ties with them as much as possible. It is never acceptable behavior for someone to constantly criticize and belittle you. Those types of behavior can make you feel like you are not good enough and would be the most significant source where self-doubt can set in. 

Look At Where You Are Now

Your past does not dictate where you are going. If you keep looking in the past, self-doubt can take over and keep you stuck there. Think about where you are right NOW. Even if you are currently struggling, you survived this long! That means you must be doing something right. That is a positive thing that you can feel proud of yourself for. Celebrate every little victory, no matter how small. Focus on what you have right now in this moment that is good, and that is a reason to believe in yourself. 

Prior Successes

If you have ever been successful at something, revel in that. Did you get out of bed this morning? That is a success! What things are you good at? Perhaps you have a great way of serving others? Whatever those things are that excites you and that you do well, those are reasons to believe in yourself. You don’t have to have enormous successes. It can be even the smallest thing. But whatever it is, hold on to that memory of prior success and know that you can achieve plenty more when you set your mind to it.

You Are Just As Good As Others

We often compare ourselves to others who seem to experience more success than us. Comparison is the thief of joy. It can also cause us to doubt ourselves and believe that we aren’t as good as them if we are not experiencing the same results. You are just as good as someone else, and you deserve the life you want to live. Nobody else is more special than you or deserves success more than you do. Believe in yourself, and you will go far in your life!