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inferiority complex, inferior, self-doubt, low self-esteem

9 Signs You May Have An Inferiority Complex And How To Overcome It

We all have times when we feel inferior, especially if we compare ourselves to others. We may feel a bit down for a few days if something happens that causes us to feel inferior to someone else. However, some people feel inferior and inadequate almost all of the time. Have you ever been told that you may have an inferiority complex? You don’t have to continue feeling that way about yourself. Even if you don’t have a formal diagnosis of an inferiority complex, it is still helpful to recognize the signs and how to overcome those feelings of inferiority.

What Is An Inferiority Complex?

An inferiority complex is the feeling of inadequacy brought on by various factors, whether real or imagined. Our emotions can influence our actions and behaviors. A person who suffers from unrealistic inadequacies can develop changes to their mental health if they are not addressed. An inferiority complex negatively impacts them and the people they are close to. It can affect relationships, job performance, and so much more.

Signs Of Having An Inferiority Complex

There are nine common signs that you might have an inferiority complex. Remember, identifying with a few of these signs doesn’t mean you are in danger of developing a formal mental health diagnosis. We are all human and should recognize a few of these signs in ourselves. That is normal and healthy. The important thing is that you recognize them, so you can learn how to overcome them before it gets out of hand.

  1. You continually find fault in others. Instead of focusing on positive results, you may look for and point out others’ mistakes.
  2. You treat feedback as criticism. Nobody likes to have their mistakes pointed out. However, well-meaning constructive feedback helps us to learn and grow. It may be an inferiority complex if you consistently receive feedback as a personal attack and respond to it in anger and spiteful ways.
  3. You are overly sensitive about what others think. Most of us struggle with worrying too much about what others think about us. However, people with an inferiority complex are more sensitive to what others think about them. They want to appear as if everything is perfect and often lash out in anger when they cannot hold this image. 
  4. You see compliments differently. Compliments are a good thing, right? A person with an inferiority complex may have trouble accepting compliments from others. In fact, they may feel that the person giving the compliment is condescending or belittling them. They may not see that the compliment is sincere.
  5. You see others as threats. People with an inferiority complex may feel threatened by new team members on the job, for example. 
  6. You display a false sense of superiority. This is a common trait for those with an inferiority complex. They may be unable to admit their lack of experience and knowledge, so to hide their feelings of inferiority, they instead become boastful. 
  7. You withdraw from social events. This is called “avoidance behavior,” when you feel more comfortable being absent from social events and gatherings. 
  8. You are always comparing yourself to others. It’s natural to compare ourselves to others now and then. However, a person with an inferiority complex has low self-esteem and often struggles with self-doubt. They often feel that everyone else (or most people) is better than them at almost everything. 
  9. You do not accept failure. You might think this is an excellent trait to have. However, that is a form of perfectionism. Someone with an inferiority complex always feels the need to prove themselves. Otherwise, they fear that people will judge them poorly. Realistically, none of us are perfect. We all mess up from time to time. Failures can lead to growth and self-improvement.

Tips For Overcoming An Inferiority Complex

If you identify with several of the signs above, try these tips to overcome an inferiority complex.

  • Don’t compare yourself to others around you. Instead, focus on your dreams, goals, and ambitions.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Be mindful and choose to be happy and joyful, even when you don’t feel that way. 
  • Let go of your personal baggage. Instead, surround yourself with positive and caring people who are always there for you. Accept that they want the best for you and accept their assistance with gratitude.
  • Love yourself. Learn to take good care of yourself, and don’t beat yourself up.
  • Accept failure and choose to learn from it. Remember that nobody is perfect.

Having an inferiority complex can be difficult to overcome. It can be a serious condition that should not be ignored. If left untreated, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and even episodes of rage and violent behavior. If you are struggling, it’s ok to seek professional help to overcome it. You can find freedom in learning to let go and love yourself the way that you are.