Expert Virtual Services


How Standard Operating Procedures Made Life Easier for a Major University

Businesses across both the public and private sectors struggle with documenting their standard operating procedures (SOPs). They often need administrative services to support them as business grows or changes. Learn how a major university used Expert Virtual Services to assist them, far surpassing their expectations.


Education and Training | University of Massachusetts Center for Collaborative Leadership

Founded in 2001, the Center for Collaborative Leadership (CCL) is housed within UMASS’s College of Management. The Center oversees the renowned Emerging Leader Program (ELP). Each year, up to 50 professionals are nominated to participate. Candidates undergo a comprehensive application process. Gaining a spot in the ELP is competitive in nature. Each nominee is assessed based on their current professional experience, industry, and desire to grow as a leader.  


As a non-profit, The Center faced funding challenges and was unable to hire part-time staff to assist with administrative and project management needs. Managing the nomination process for the ELP program became overwhelming. The Center needed support.

Lisa DeAngelis, Director of the CCL, shared, “As a self-funded Center, we run a lean organization. Changes in staff and changes in university-promoted applications led to electronic files being housed in a variety of places, [with] no standard processes or procedures…we were wasting time and energy reinventing the wheel.”

Lisa Deangelis, Director - Center for Collaborative Leadership


Fortunately, LaRinda Lollis and the team at Expert Virtual Services connected with Lisa and her team to show how they could support both their administrative and project management needs in a cost-effective way. 


Instead of limping along and reinventing the administrative and project management wheel each month, Expert Virtual Services was able to:

  • Document 25 standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Implement AirTable to manage repetitive tasks and house data
  • Create templates for routine communication
  • Review and consolidate all files on the local drive

Having administrative and project management experts on hand ultimately saved time. It allowed the Center to focus on the ELP program and its current and future students. The Center admittedly had some reservations about bringing in outside help to address infrastructure issues. However, Expert Virtual Services jumped right in and acclimated to the University systems quickly. 

DeAngelis further stated, “LaRinda had the expertise we were looking for and was able to lay out a plan for how we would work together to get our processes, systems and practices aligned.”


Does your business need another set of eyes to streamline your administrative and project management processes? Schedule a no-obligation strategy session with LaRinda Lollis, Founder of Expert Virtual Services! It will be the best 15-minutes you spend on streamlining your business.