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Are You An Optimist Or A Pessimist? How Optimism Can Change Your Life

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Perhaps you are a little of both, and that’s ok. You can still be an optimist and believe the best in situations while also having a realistic understanding that everything is not okay. If you find yourself slumping down into pessimist tendencies too often, though, that can become a downward spiral you want to avoid. Instead, you can shift your mindset to be more optimistic. There are many benefits to optimism that can change your life for the better!

Characteristics Of Optimist Versus Pessimist

The pessimist would say that the glass is half empty, while the optimist would say the glass is half full. Where a pessimist would complain about the dreary rainy day, the optimist would express gratitude for the rain because the plants and flowers need it. Here’s a checklist of both traits. See which one you most fall under:

Pessimist Traits

  • Tends to see a problem as a catastrophe
  • Questions their own abilities
  • Often pouty; doesn’t laugh or smile much 
  • Has a negative, bitter disposition
  • Expects things to go wrong; always waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • Gives up easily

Pessimists are difficult to be around, especially for long periods of time. When you are around a pessimist, their negativity can rub off on you, leaving you to feel down. As a result, you may feel uneasy around them or dread talking to them. 

A pessimist will waste time and energy complaining, whining, and feeling sorry for themselves rather than find a solution. They may even enjoy the sympathy of others or those who choose to enable their pessimism.

Optimist Traits

  • Sees a problem as a challenge, but not the end of the world
  • Has a “can-do” attitude
  • Laughs and smiles frequently
  • Has a positive and upbeat outlook
  • Expects all to work out for the best
  • Determined to succeed

Optimists tend to have positive energy and are pleasant to be around. You don’t have to have a Pollyanna personality, where everything is wonderful, even the not-so-wonderful things. Whenever you are around an optimist, you tend to walk away feeling better than when you first encountered them. You may feel inspired and encouraged, uplifted, even. 

Even in the face of adversity, an optimist can look at it as a challenge and find creative solutions to live with the things they cannot change. For example, actor Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 1991. He was faced with an adversity that many assumed would end his career. After taking a break from acting, he refused to stay idle for long. He started the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease research. He faced his diagnosis with a positive outlook and optimism. His book, Always Looking Up: The Adventures Of An Incurable Optimist, was published in 2009. Michael J. Fox and others have shared their stories of the power of optimism. These stories reflect how optimism can help people to cope and even thrive during challenging circumstances. 

Optimism Can Create Better Health

It’s no secret that having a positive outlook in life can help promote better health and longevity. Optimism helps people cope with disease and recovery better from surgery. Several US and European studies and research have been devoted to this topic. Research shows there may be benefits such as lowered blood pressure, fewer heart attacks, and better overall health.

How Optimism Can Change Your Life

If optimism doesn’t come naturally for you, the good news is that you can learn how to be more optimistic! You can learn how to replace pessimistic and negative self-talk with more positive ones. When you learn how to change your mindset to an optimistic one, you will improve your physical health and mental health. You can lower your stress levels and your risk for depression. 

Optimism can help you maintain the higher motivation needed to reach your goals. This will help you to endure the ups and downs of owning a business. Your work performance can improve when you develop a “can-do” attitude instead of believing that you can’t succeed. Your optimism can attract other like-minded people to work with you in your business. Optimists are the best type of people to work with because they are more pleasant to talk to and be around and because of their ability to press through hardship. They know how to cope in hard times. They believe the best in you and your business and offer support in a positive way.

Be The Best You That You Can Be

When you learn how to let go of negativity and live with a positive outlook, you will significantly improve so many things in your life. You will find that you feel lighter and happier. Optimists tend to be kind people. They offer encouragement and make a difference in the world. Optimists naturally learn to be the best person they can be and inspire others to do the same.