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fear, overcomer, self-doubt, negative thoughts, positive mindset

Don’t Allow Fear To Hold You Back – 5 Tips To Overcome

A little bit of fear is normal. Everyone experiences some type of fear now and then in life. In fact, fear instinctively protects us from harm. Fear can help alert us when we are about to do something dangerous and may help us to make safer choices. The problem with fear is that it sometimes shows up in not dangerous situations. It can hold us back from finding success and making our dreams a reality. If fear is holding you back from anything, whether it’s your business and career or your personal life, try following these tips to overcome it.

Realize That Fear Can Be Overcome

Fear is real, and it can be debilitating for many people. We might laugh at things like fear of heights and fear of public speaking. But some fears are not a laughing matter. Some fears come from a real-life trauma situation. The person who has experienced a robbery may not feel safe in their home at night. They may have trouble sleeping because of the fearful thoughts playing through their mind all night. These types of trauma-induced fears may not be as easy to overcome, but it’s still possible with some support.

Depending on the type and severity of your fears, you can learn how to overcome them. If it’s something like fear of public speaking, there are many things you can do, such as visualization and deep breathing exercises. For more severe forms of fear, you may need to seek professional help from a counselor or psychiatrist. Medications can help if your fears lead to chronic anxiety. Don’t be afraid to seek help and support. Overcoming fear is often a work in progress that takes time, but it is possible to experience freedom. 

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

When we experience episodes of fear, we often isolate ourselves. But that can make your fear much worse. Find a support group or gather your family and friends who you know will always have your back and let them know what you are dealing with. If your fearful thoughts are keeping you up at night, maybe you can call a friend and talk it out or ask them to pray with you. Sometimes you just need to know that you aren’t alone.

Go On A Conquering Fear Adventure

If you are tired of sitting on the sidelines of life watching everyone else having fun and going on adventures, is there some type of fear holding you back from experiencing it yourself? Do you find yourself too afraid of heights to go on a hot air balloon ride or even visit the Grand Canyon because the thought of it turns your stomach? Do you wish you could travel to exotic places in the world, but you have a fear of flying? These are the perfect example of what it’s like when fear holds you back from enjoying life. 

You don’t have to go all out on these big scary adventures. Start small and take baby steps. If you want to conquer your fear of heights, try going to an indoor rock climbing gym. You will have safety gear on as well as an instructor nearby to help you feel safe. Pump yourself up to get motivated and climb that wall! When you are climbing, think about all of the safety measures in place. Allow yourself to feel the fear but overcome those fearful thoughts with rational thoughts. When you get to the top, don’t jump back down quickly. Stay at the top and feel the victory. Allow yourself to look down (as long as you don’t feel like you will faint!). Then slowly come back down. Think about how it felt to face your fear of heights and overcome it! This will motivate you to take on the next adventure, such as finally visiting the Grand Canyon (while staying back at a safe distance).

Go to a hot air balloon festival and try taking a tethered hot air balloon ride first. A tethered hot air balloon stays tied to the ground, and the balloon only goes so high up in the air, not miles up in the air like a non-tethered ride. When you are ready, grab a group of friends and go for the most beautiful hot air balloon overlooking the countryside and feel the victory!    

Think Positive Thoughts

When you feel fear, dwelling on negative thoughts will only make it worse and spiral out of control. When you have a positive mindset, it can help dispel your fear and worries. Look around you and think about the things that are going right for you in life. You get what you focus on. If you focus on the fearful thoughts, you will become paralyzed and overwhelmed. You take back your power when you choose to focus on the positive things going right in your life.

Take Control Of The Story, Take Control Of Your Life

Rewriting your story can knock your fears out in a powerful way. If you see yourself as a confident and successful person, those negative self-doubt thoughts won’t be able to stick around.

Take control of your story. Decide to be brave, confident, and successful. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts that bring out the fear, take out some paper and start making a list. List all of the negative thoughts that are floating around in your brain. Then in the column next to that list, for every negative thought, write a positive one. Take a look at your list with your skills, strengths, and positive attributes and soak them in. Don’t let fear tell you that you aren’t good enough for the success you want to achieve. Rewrite your story and kick fear in the face!