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Problems, Solution, Project Manager, project management, risk management

How A Project Manager Can Be The Solution To Your Problems

Every business faces challenges from time to time. There is no time to be bogged down by these challenges. If you are a business owner who is always putting out little fires in your operation, you may need a Project Manager to take on these challenges to focus on doing what you do best. You do not necessarily need to hire a full-time staff member to oversee your projects. Did you know that many Project Managers work virtually? A Virtual Expert® that specializes in Project and Operations Management may be the solution to your problems!


Problem #1 – Poorly Defined Goals And Objectives

Are you having trouble keeping your team on track with the projects? Does it seem like everyone is confused about who is doing what? Do you have to answer a lot of questions from the team? These are all clues that you may need to define your goals and objectives of the project clearly. A Project Manager can help solve this problem because they are experts at planning and goal setting. They will help calm the chaos by putting the plan and goals in place and communicating them with your team. They will oversee the project and be the primary source when the team has questions or problems. When the team knows and understands the goals at hand, they can clearly define the objectives and work toward them in a more organized manner. The Project Manager will set up a kick-off meeting to lay out the plan’s details and utilize project management software to define the goals and track the progress throughout the project’s lifecycle.


Problem #2 – Keeping The Teams On The Same Page

Communication is vital for keeping teams on the same page. Whether working together in an office setting or working remotely, team members need to communicate well with each other to avoid delays and mistakes from miscommunication. A Project Manager is responsible for monitoring the project throughout the lifecycle, speaking to the team when something is not working and needs to be changed. Project Managers will most often use project management software that allows for group chats and messaging, rather than sending several emails out to communicate. The software can help by breaking down each task and assigning it to the team members. The Project Manager can monitor the progress of each task to ensure the project is moving along to meet the goals and deadline for completion. 


Problem #3 – Unmet Or Unrealistic Deadlines

Do you have problems meeting deadlines for projects? This is where having an expert Project Manager working with you can help. It all comes down to the planning. An experienced Project Manager may be able to look at the project’s goals and objectives and tell if it is an unrealistic deadline that may be difficult to meet. If the deadline has to be met regardless, a Project Manager can analyze ways the team can be more effective and utilize the project management software to keep track of important dates and progress throughout the project lifecycle.


Problem #4 – Poor Team Skills 

Projects can fail due to inadequate training and skill sets of the team members. Some projects are more challenging and demand knowledge and expertise from the team. The Project Manager can evaluate the team members’ skills and determine if training needs to occur or if they need to bring on an extra team member with the desired skills.


Problem #5 – Risk Management

If you are the one everyone looks to for putting out the fires, then you may need a Project Manager to take over this job for you as well. According to Wikipedia, Risk Management is the “identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the events.” Typically, projects don’t always go as planned, so one of a Project Manager’s primary roles is to oversee the risks that come up during the project and course-correct where it is needed. A skilled Project Manager can often anticipate what issues may come up during the project and develop a plan to manage those risks as required.


There are many more common problems that businesses face, and an experienced Project Manager has likely experienced them all and knows how to solve those problems. They are proactive and intuitive when anticipating the needs of a project when it’s still in the planning phase, mitigating the risk management. They have excellent leadership skills, and they know how to delegate tasks to the right people according to their abilities. Project Managers have the technical skills and utilize software and technology to keep the project moving to meet the deadline. They are a valuable asset to businesses, saving time and money from being wasted. In what ways would your business benefit from having a Project Manager on board?