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self-discipline, discipline, self-control, success, leader, entrepreneur

How Self-Discipline Can Help You Live A Fuller Life

You may hear a lot of self-help gurus and motivational speakers talk about how fulfilling their lives are. They post their videos or write books with all their tips on how they organize their day. Their mantra is “living my best life” or some other positive phrase. You might sit back and watch how they have their daily routine, go to the gym, eat healthily, take their vitamins, and do their gratitude journaling. Maybe you think it’s all too much for you to do, you don’t have time. Perhaps you know deep down inside that these are things you SHOULD be doing or want to do “later.” But the truth is, having self-discipline can help you live a fuller life.

Lack Of Self-Discipline Leads To A Stressful Life

Do you ever wonder why you are constantly stressed out, overwhelmed, and falling behind on work you need to do? It’s most likely a lack of self-discipline. Many people struggle to complete tasks on time, follow through with decisions, make plans, and even wake up on time. They often give in to the temptation to sleep in later or lay on the couch too late binge-watching Netflix instead of doing what they need to do. As a result, they feel stressed and rushed in the morning. They procrastinate and leave their work until the last minute, often missing deadlines. Another issue is that their productivity suffers. They rush through their work to catch up and do not do the quality work they could do if they allowed enough time. 

Here’s why self-discipline is so important. Wouldn’t you rather be someone who is in control of your schedule, your body, and your emotions? Self-discipline is basically the ability to resist the feelings and temptations to procrastinate or be lazy. It’s the ability to control your body and make the right decisions that move you forward toward your goals. If you lack self-discipline, you would rather indulge in something that will give you instant gratification but ultimately holds you back in life. 

Take Back Your Power Through Self-Discipline

If this resonates with you, understand that you don’t have to stay stuck in the cycle of self-destructive behavior. You can take back your power and have more control of your life by focusing more on self-discipline. Self-discipline is a learned behavior that you can increase by being more intentional and consistent. 

To become the best person you can be, you will need to learn to exercise self-discipline and not be afraid to change. You may need to deny yourself some things that bring immediate satisfaction so that you can have a better reward later. It’s called giving up the good for the great! 

We tend to make excuses about our lack of discipline. You might be thinking that sleeping later in the morning is good for you because getting enough sleep is healthy. While this is true, instead of sleeping in later in the name of “self-care,” why not try self-discipline and go to bed earlier instead? Not only would you conquer your body and your feelings, but you will achieve more in less time and develop more self-respect. You might be surprised at how much you can do! There is a sense of satisfaction when you exercise self-control and complete more work than you thought you were able to.

Be Your Own Leader Of Success

If you want to be more like those motivational speakers and influencers you envision as “having it all together,” you can! Most successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and millionaires didn’t start out with self-discipline. It was a learned behavior that they put into practice in their own lives, knowing that it would significantly improve their life. They had to conquer their body and their minds every day, just like everyone else. It is a choice they make every day. They know the ingredients of success are setting goals, showing up, and taking action. It takes effort and perseverance. It takes self-discipline to set and work toward achieving your goals, meeting deadlines, and being persistent when obstacles slow you down. People who have mastered the art of self-discipline ultimately conquer themselves and are more likely to become successful in other aspects of their lives and careers. 

In what ways can you put self-discipline to practice in your life?