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social media, content calendar, content strategy, Facebook, Instagram, social media scheduling, social media posting,

How To Be Consistent With Your Social Media Content Calendar

Are you one of the many entrepreneurs struggling with consistency in your social media marketing? Is the struggle because you don’t have the time? If you were honest, maybe you feel like it’s a waste of time because your posts are not giving you the results you want? Both of these are common issues that busy professionals face. It’s frustrating when your posts are not attracting likes and comments or new followers that lead to clients. But don’t give up! If you want to see results, you have to be consistent. The best way to be consistent is to create a social media content calendar system.


Develop Your Content Strategy

To be consistent, you need a plan. When you develop a content strategy, this is the blueprint that will guide you while building your marketing plan. But first, you will need to do some research.

  • Research your target market. Who is the audience you are trying to reach? Start by researching which social media platforms they use the most. Research what type of content your target market likes to see. Is your target market primarily millennials or another group, such as mothers with young families? These are the things that will determine the content and platform to use for your social media marketing.
  • Plan your content. Once you have determined your audience and the type of content they want to see, you can brainstorm ideas. There are many types of social media content to build your brand. The possibilities are endless, which is a good thing since you will be posting a lot! When you are surfing the web, gather some interesting articles and blog posts that you can draw from as references and inspiration. Keep a list at all times, so you don’t run out of ideas. When you are scrolling social media, take note of what types of posts get a lot of attention from their followers. Some of the biggest social media trends right now are Facebook and Instagram stories, Instagram reels, and video content. Facebook Live and Instagram Live videos are a great way to engage with your followers. By answering questions posted in the comments while you are on a live video, you are actively engaging. The algorithms love live videos and will notify your followers that you are live, as well as put your content at the top of everyone’s feed.
  • Create a posting schedule. Now that you have an idea of who you want to reach and what type of content you want to create, it’s time to determine your posting schedule. Remember, it’s the quality, not the quantity. While you want to be consistent in posting, it’s best to post quality content that will add value to your followers. Posting for the sake of putting something out there without any thought or consideration for your audience will not benefit your business and will be a waste of time. Determine the number of posts you will do for each social media platform. For example, you plan to do 3 Facebook posts, 5 Instagram posts, 10 tweets, and 2 pins per week. Don’t forget your Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and YouTube videos, which you plan to do every other week.  


Schedule Your Content Using A Calendar

When entrepreneurs are busy serving their clients, they often forget to serve themselves. A good rule of thumb is to spend a little time working your own business first and make it a priority. Block the time on your calendar, so you don’t forget. If you block the time off on your Google calendar, you can even set a reminder. 


Before you start blocking off chunks of time, research the best times to post on social media. Believe it or not, there is a science to this! Have your social media copy and graphics ready for weeks or months ahead, so they are prepared to post. This way, if you get busy and the temptation to skip your posting time comes, you can quickly post that content within minutes. 


Utilize Social Media Scheduling Tools

If you prefer to do your posts in batches ahead of time, you can use one of the many social medial posting and scheduling tools. Research which one will work best for the types of posts you plan to do. Using these tools to schedule your posts ahead of time will be a huge time-saver because you won’t need to log on to your social media accounts every day. No more temptation of scrolling your feed when you need to work is a bonus! Just make sure to check in every few days to respond to comments and questions your followers might have for you.


When you take the time upfront to plan and organize your social media strategy and content, it will save you time in the end. The results of your consistency will pay off, and you will watch your business flourish!