Expert Virtual Services

content strategy, business planning, marketing, blog posts, ebooks, videos, podcasts, social media,

How To Develop Your Content Strategy

Whether you are just starting in your business or you have been at it for a while, it pays to plan your content strategy instead of just winging it.  Consistency is key when it comes to your content.  Creating engaging content will attract clients to you and your business and keep them coming back to you.  If you offer tips and valuable information consistently, people will see you as an expert in your field, and the client will come to see you as their go-to person.  


What Is A Content Strategy?

Content strategy is the plan in which you manage your media that you create and own.  The content format can consist of written, audio, or visual content.  The primary use of content is for marketing purposes, but it doesn’t always have to be about sales.  When people think of content, they tend to think of blogging and social media, but there is a whole other world of content that will help you keep your clients engaged and interested.  Some of the top trending forms of content are:

  • Blog Posts – Blog posts are written articles that provide valuable information about a topic in which you are knowledgeable.  You should publish new blog posts regularly to attract new visitors to your website.  Encourage readers to share your blog posts on their social media pages and to comment for engagement.  
  • Ebooks – Ebooks are usually longer and more in-depth than a blog post, and they are often used as a lead-generation tool.  After reading a blog post, your visitor might want more information.  The reader can submit the lead form with their contact information and download your ebook to obtain the additional information they want.  You then have a new lead for your business. Similar to ebooks, if you offer an infographic or free template that will help them to save time and help them succeed with something, they are more likely to keep engaging in your content in the future.  
  • Videos – Videos are some of the most highly engaging forms of content and are easily shared through many different social media platforms and websites.  There is even a chance your video will go “viral,” which would draw some significant attention to your business!  Video is the most preferred form of content by viewers and captures viewers’ most attention than any other content type.  
  • Podcasts – The number of podcast listeners has been growing.  A 2020 survey on podcast consumption shows that 37% of U.S. adults have listened to a podcast within the last month, which has tripled over the past decade.  Podcasts are the perfect form of content for those who don’t like to read or simply don’t have the time they want.  You can listen to a podcast while driving, exercising, even doing your household chores.  If you are interested in starting a podcast, ask yourself some questions to plan your podcast content strategy
  • Social Media – Once you’ve been publishing content on your website for a while, you might want to consider sharing your content on other sites.  You can repurpose your content into different formats and share them on your social media platforms.  Social media allows you to share your content where your clients spend most of their time.  It’s important to consider which social media platforms your clients use the most and cater your posts to the type of social media you are using.  For example, Instagram viewers want to see more photos and videos than they want to see printed words.  If you are using Facebook, you will be able to share your blog post, a link to your podcast, your website, as well as photos and videos that will attract followers.


How To Plan Your Content Strategy

As with any form of business planning, it’s essential to define your goals.  What are you looking to accomplish with your content management?  Will you be using it primarily to market your business?  What types of content will you offer?  Will you be able to write and produce your content or hire someone else to manage your content?

  1. The first step is to consider your audience.  Who is your target audience?  What are their interests?  Where do they hang out on social media?  By knowing your target audience, you can create more relevant content that they will want to consume.
  2. Brainstorm your content ideas.  Most people start with blog posts.  If you have already been writing blogs, consider repurposing your older blogs’ content into a newer format with updated information.  Compile several blogs into an ebook.  Post and share your content consistently in your social media accounts and engage with your clients and potential clients to build relationships with them. 
  3. Publish and manage your content.  Once you publish your content, you mustn’t ignore it.  Keep track of what you published and when you published it.  Keep track of who is engaging.  It’s especially important when posting to social media because your followers may ask questions by commenting on your posts.  Keep track of which content had the most engagement and shares on social media, then offer more of what your followers love.


Having a well-planned content strategy and following the plan consistently will produce excellent results in your business.  Don’t be afraid to experiment and try something new.  You might discover the skills and talents that you didn’t realize you had.  You will stand out from the competition if your content offers more of your clients’ wants and needs.  Your business will thrive as a result.

3 thoughts on “How To Develop Your Content Strategy”

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