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self-doubt, doubt, limiting beliefs, anxiety, depression

How To Identify The 7 Top Ways Self-Doubt Can Set In

The best way to overcome self-doubt is to understand the root of where it comes from. Knowing how you developed self-doubt can help you to recover from it. As you conquer the patterns of self-doubt, your self-esteem will increase. Did you have self-esteem at one time in life, but you lost it? Even if you never had self-esteem or confidence, you can build it. The good news is that no matter what caused your self-doubt, you can overcome it. It’s something that developed over time, or you developed in childhood. While it may not be an overnight process, you can work toward building your belief in yourself to overcome self-doubt.

Limiting Beliefs Learned In Childhood

Unfortunately, many people put off their dreams and limit themselves due to well-meaning parents who are also stuck in their own self-doubt trap. They could not envision better for themselves, so they may not see anything different for their children. This happens a lot in communities with poverty, lacking in experiences and education. It’s hard for them to see outside of their own world to the possibilities on the other side. Abused children may also suffer from limiting beliefs that their abusers put on them.

Parents don’t usually want to stop their children from dreaming big. But many parents feel the need to set realistic expectations. When their child comes to them with big dreams about traveling the world and becoming a famous artist, the parents may react in fear. They may make statements about what it’s like to be a “starving artist” and ask how they intend to support themselves while traveling the world without a steady income. They may try to discourage the dream by telling the child that it’s very rare to make money creating art or that it’s more of a hobby than a career. Sadly, they are really telling their child that they will fail or they won’t be good enough.

The truth is, the parents in the above example are typically speaking this way due to their own lack of success. Their negative experience rubs off on the children who may grow up to live a mediocre life, not living up to their full potential or living the life they dreamed. This is just one of the many ways self-doubt can impact your life.

Past Experiences From Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships are often difficult to get out of. They may be parents, siblings, friendships, a spouse or love interest, and even your own child. Toxic relationships drag you down and create self-doubt. You may have had confidence and a good self-image and then gradually, over time, start to develop self-doubt. You may have allowed past experiences and toxic relationships to create this self-doubting behavior. 

If you have ever been in a relationship where someone criticized you, cut down your ideas, and shamed you, that experience can impact you significantly. You may still believe the negative things that they said to you. If you are currently in a relationship like this, you may need to cut ties to the person or at least distance yourself from them so you can begin to heal.   

Bad Work Environment

If you ever had a job that turned into a bad experience for you, this can stunt you in life and in your career if you allow it. If you are in a high-stress job or experience a lot of criticism in your job performance, you may develop a fear of failure. You may be afraid to take risks, apply for promotions, or quit your job to pursue your dreams of owning your own business. 

Lack Of Life Experiences

Children who are overly sheltered, have a chronic illness, or have other issues that cause them to stay within their “bubble” may experience fear and anxiety, leading to self-doubt. They may develop problems such as agoraphobia, where they are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. If you lack experiences of success throughout your life, it can be difficult to imagine future success. If you only ever experienced failure in life, it can be even more difficult to imagine a better future.

The Place You Were Born And Raised

Did you know that where you were born and raised makes a big difference in how you see the world and your place in it? Many people are born into areas that don’t offer many opportunities. Or maybe they have parents who expect them to take over the family business, but it’s not their desire to follow that career. The sad thing is that most people don’t escape the situation they were born into. They put their head down and follow along, doing what they are told. They don’t have their eyes open to all of the possibilities waiting for them. However, many people do break out of the status quo and find their own success, so anything is possible!

Undiagnosed Anxiety

Anxiety can be a symptom of self-doubt, and self-doubt can cause anxiety. This creates a cycle that can spiral out of control, leading to panic attacks and more. If you suspect that you may have anxiety, it’s good to seek a medical evaluation to rule out any underlying illnesses or even vitamin deficiency. There can be many causes of anxiety, and you don’t have to suffer from it. People who experience chronic anxiety can stay stuck in depression and other limiting patterns until they get help for it. 

Established Patterns And Life Circumstances

People often experience self-doubt due to traumatic experiences in their lives or times they experienced failure. For example, a car accident, divorce, or death of a loved one is a tragedy that can cause people to believe they will always experience failure or loss. This is something you can overcome by changing your thinking patterns intentionally. 

You will need to decide to see the truth in yourself and not believe the negative thinking patterns causing your self-doubt. There are many reasons why you should believe in yourself. Once you start to meditate on those reasons, you can begin to heal and overcome your self-doubt. Just remember that you are worth it!