Expert Virtual Services

content, social media, Google, keywords, SEO

How To Keep Readers And Search Engines Happy By Publishing Content Consistently

It’s common knowledge that consistency brings success in operating a business. One area where consistency pays off is with your website and blog content. When you develop consistency in your content strategy, both your readers and the search engines will reward you for it. Here’s why you should be publishing your content consistently.


Google Ranks Your Content

Here’s a little tip on how the Google search engine works: Google aims to provide its customers with the most up-to-date information. When people search for a topic using Google’s search engine, Google’s job is to ensure they deliver the best results. Your goal is to be that resource that people find when searching a topic using keywords that you provide when writing your blog content. Google uses many factors in their ranking system that move your blog to the top, so your website gets the most views. Anyone that views your website can turn into a potential client!


Google Rewards Consistency

When you update your website and blog regularly, using optimized keywords and SEO, you’re showing the search engines that you are relevant and up-to-date. You’re showing Google that your website and blog are not old and outdated content. Google sees that you are actively providing fresh content, and they will reward you by giving your content higher priority over less active sites. Many other factors go into this. However, the more content you write, the better you will become at SEO and keyword optimization.


Build Relationships With Your Readers

Have you ever discovered a new blog or website that you fell in love with when you did a Google search on a topic? You probably didn’t buy any of the products or services the website offered or provided your email to get onto their email list. But you may have bookmarked the website as a favorite resource to refer back to. You may have even forgotten about it until you stumbled across that website again because they keep publishing content that you love.


When you update your website or blog regularly, you encourage your website visitors to come back for more. If they see you as an expert on their topics of interest, they may develop a habit of visiting and reading your content often. They may sign up for your newsletter or freebie so they can stay in touch with you and be notified of your special offers and promotions. For this to happen, your readers must grow to like, know and trust you. The more content you publish for your readers, the more likely they will be to subscribe to your content and become clients.


Attract New Clients 

A bonus of publishing new content consistently is that you will attract new followers. New followers often lead to new clients. When you post content that attracts people through search engines, social media, and others sharing links to your content, your business will continue to grow. 


Finding Ideas For Your Content Strategy

If you struggle with finding topics and ideas for consistent content, try to imagine what topics your target market wants to read about and learn. Post a poll or questions in your social media stories to ask your followers what type of content they want. Be consistent with your social media to build your brand and drive people to your website and blog as part of your content strategy. You will set yourself up for success!