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goals, SMART goals, SMART goal-setting method. milestone goals, attainable goals, achievable goals

How To Keep Your Goals Attainable And Achievable

Do you ever set a goal and soon realized that you would not be able to attain or achieve that goal? Maybe you didn’t have the tools or knowledge you needed at the time to accomplish this goal. Or perhaps you didn’t give yourself enough time and missed the opportunity. That can be incredibly frustrating and make you feel like you’ve failed. That’s why it’s so important to remember to use the SMART goal-setting method when trying to reach a goal. SMART is the acronym to remember to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s look at how to set goals that are attainable and achievable. 

You Don’t Have To Reach For The Stars

One of the reasons we sometimes fail to meet a goal is because we aim too high. But remember, you don’t have to reach for the stars. Your goal should be within reasonable reach to you. Although the goals you set for yourself should stretch you out of your comfort zone and excite you, they should still be within reach. 

If your goal is impossible for you to achieve, then your efforts are futile. Putting your time and energy into a goal that will never come to fruition is no use. You will end up losing motivation and feel like giving up if you cannot succeed or celebrate your milestones along the way. Instead, be sure to set a goal that you can accomplish. That will ensure you stay focused and motivated and have a greater chance for success. 

How To Draft Your Attainable Goal

Not only should your goal be attainable, but make sure that when you draft your goal, you write it in a way that allows you responsibility for your goal. State your goals in such a way that allows you control over the outcome. Nobody but you should be the subject of your goal. 

State your attainable goals with success in mind. For example, let’s say you feel that you would benefit professionally from reading more books on development and business. Your goal might be, “I will read a business-related book every night before bed for twenty minutes.” Or, to state a more specific and measurable goal, it may be, “I will read one business book per month for six months”. These goals are attainable because what you set out to do is reasonable and achievable. The goal only involves you, the one person who follows through to the end to ensure success.

Consider Setting Milestone Goals

Another way to keep your goals attainable is by setting milestone goals. Milestone goals are small goals that you can set along the pathway to your goal. For example, a milestone goal would be to check in with yourself once a week. Checking in on your own accountability is a great way to stay on track. If you followed through with your goal for the week, you will know you are making progress toward your goal. As we know about measurable goals, tracking or measuring your progress helps secure a greater success rate for your goal. Keep your goals challenging yet attainable and you will be on your way to being successful with your goals.