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optimism, inspire, optimist, relationships, kindness

How Your Optimism Inspires Everyone Around You

There are many benefits physically and mentally for those who are optimists. Research shows that optimistic people tend to bounce back from surgery more quickly, are more resilient in life, sleep better, and even live longer. That’s excellent news for individuals who are optimists. Optimism can also be contagious. You can’t help but feel more optimistic when you are around other optimists. Your optimism can inspire others around you, much like spreading kindness can inspire others.

How Your Optimism Affects Others

Your optimism can affect others in a variety of ways. While most people appreciate and admire people with a positive attitude, some people find it obnoxious. Pessimistic people or those who are going through a difficult season in their life may have a hard time being around an optimist. It’s important to be sensitive to what others are going through; however, you do not have to change who you are to please others. For example, someone who has experienced grief and loss may have difficulty talking with someone who tries to make them forget their pain and look at the bright side of things. They may need time to heal before they can shift their mindset in a positive direction.

Others appreciate and admire the positivity that an optimist brings to the relationship. They know they can count on an optimist to bring hope into challenging circumstances. Optimists are often seen as the ones to go to for advice because they will help you see things from a positive perspective.

Optimism In The Workplace

Optimists make excellent leaders and managers. They know how to encourage their team. They are willing to take on challenges with grit and determination to succeed. If the peer group you work with has an optimist in the midst, you may want to make them your friend. They are not bogged down with office gossip or constant complaints. Leadership would rather listen to an optimist who offers helpful suggestions than a pessimist who brings nothing to the table but complaints and blame. 

Entrepreneurs with an optimistic attitude are more successful than pessimistic ones. The optimistic entrepreneur uses their failures as a learning experience. They overcome their obstacles with grace. Optimists attract more clients with their positivity. Research shows that optimism fosters creativity and innovation. Entrepreneurs can discover new solutions as a result of shifting their focus from negative aspects to more positive ones. Their clients appreciate the way they find solutions to problems instead of giving up with no resolution.

Optimism In Families And Friendships

Optimism can impact the family and friendship dynamics. We all have that one family member who can be a “Debbie Downer,” bringing everyone else down in the process. The optimist in the family will often chase away the negativity. When a family problem arises, the optimist is the one who calms everyone and says, “it’s going to be alright”. 

Friendship with an optimist is similar. People tend to avoid friendships with pessimists because of their constant complaining. People want to be friends with an optimist because they keep the fun atmosphere flowing.

Optimism In Romantic Relationships

If your romantic partner or spouse is an optimist, this may decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia! An optimistic partner can inspire you to be happier and healthier, as well. An optimistic partner is good at resolving conflict and not holding grudges. They see the good in you and don’t constantly look for your flaws and failures. They look forward to the future with you with confidence. 

Avoiding Optimism

Do you avoid optimism to appease others? Perhaps you have heard complaints about being overly optimistic a few too many times, and you are now aware and feel awkward about it. You may hold back from speaking in meetings at work when others are complaining. Perhaps your best friend is constantly complaining about her husband, and you want to point out all of the great things she should appreciate in him, but you think she will get mad at you. And what about your elderly grandmother, who points out every flaw that you have, causing you to be quiet instead of speaking up because you want to be respectful to her? That’s also a form of avoiding optimism because you feel like your positivity will cause her to be more critical.

Realize that the world needs your optimism desperately. Many people are suffering, and a little optimism can really put their world into perspective. They just need a role model to model the optimistic mindset. Don’t be afraid to be that role model of positivity and inspire others to have a happier and healthier life.