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random acts of kindness, RAOK, kindness, gratitude, pay it forward

Random Acts Of Kindness – Why They Matter

Some people are just born with kindness in their souls. Have you ever met someone who would give you the shirt off of their back or go out of their way to help someone in need? They have the gift of kindness. They inspire all of us to be a little kinder as we interact with people throughout our hectic day-to-day lives. This has led to a Random Acts Of Kindness (RAOK) movement that continues to gain popularity. The movement aims to make kindness the norm by educating schools, workplaces, and communities on how they can spread kindness.  

Random acts of kindness can be as simple as giving a compliment or word of encouragement. They can be a small gift or gesture such as paying for someone’s coffee in the Starbucks drive-thru. These sweet surprises can make someone’s day, as well as cause you to feel good about your kind deed. These experiences can also be good for your health and well-being. These are just some of the benefits of random acts of kindness and why they matter.

Encourage Gratitude

Doing something nice for someone else without asking or expecting anything in return can make you feel grateful for the blessings you have. This is especially true if the recipient of your act of kindness is less fortunate than you or they are experiencing hardship. When you realize you can give even the smallest gift or gesture, it brings perspective to the abundance you have in your life. 

Lower Stress

When you do good deeds for someone, it makes you feel better physically and emotionally. In other words, it actually releases feel-good hormones and increases your happiness. Stepping out of ourselves and focusing on someone else’s needs can take your mind off your own troubles. Don’t be surprised if you don’t feel your problems fading away. 

Improved Mood

There have been numerous studies that support the positive effect on mood when you engage in random acts of kindness. You tend to feel better about life in general when you do something kind for another person. Aside from improved mood, it has been reported that people experience less anxiety and increased energy simply by these acts of kindness. Research has shown that the pleasure and reward centers of the brain light up in those who perform acts of kindness. Some refer to it as “helper’s high.” What better way to experience all of these mood-lifting benefits than to do something to help others?

Better Relationships

When you are the recipient of an act of kindness from someone, you will naturally recall that memory with fondness. Above all, you will see that person in a positive light. It can increase your connection to that person, as well. If you do a random act of kindness to a stranger, you might even gain a friend! The bonds that you create with others in these acts of kindness can lead to better relationships. You increase your support system of caring people in your life.

The Ripple Effect

Perhaps the most significant benefit of random acts of kindness is the ripple effect it can create. If you have seen the movie or read the book called “Pay It Forward,” you will understand how one act of kindness can spread to hundreds, maybe even thousands of people, as people pay it forward.

There are countless stories, such as the one that I heard about a man who paid for a woman’s car repair. She didn’t have enough to cover it. The woman was in tears as she described that she is a single mom and didn’t know how she would be able to pay for her repairs. She worried about how she would drive herself to work without her car. This woman prayed for God to help her, and she said God must have sent that man to pay for her repairs. She asked for his contact information so she could pay him back. The man simply said, “You don’t have to repay me. Just pay it forward”. Imagine if that woman then performed a random act of kindness to someone else to pay it forward. And then imagine if the next person continued the chain of paying it forward. How many lives can we impact by that one act of kindness? 

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart.

These are just a handful of benefits of doing random acts of kindness. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a huge gesture to count! Any act of kindness will be rewarding for you and help cheer up someone or help a person in need. One kind word or smile can change someone’s day. When you reap kindness, you sow kindness in return. 

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana.

What random act of kindness will you do this week?