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random acts of kindness, RAOK, kindness challenge,

The Random Acts Of Kindness You Probably Do Every Day

Kindness is something I am passionate about. I believe in showing kindness to everyone, and I aim to do random acts of kindness each day. In my previous blog series on kindness, I challenged my readers to a “daily kindness challenge” so that we can spread kindness to the world together. I provided my readers with a list of simple acts of kindness to get them started in their goal of doing more random acts of kindness (RAOK). And yet, I understand that many of my readers may still be thinking that doing RAOK’s must be complicated and grandiose. I can assure you that doing RAOK’s does not have to be complicated, expensive, or even a noticeable deed. In fact, you are probably doing RAOK’s every day without even being aware of it.

Checklist Of Random Acts Of Kindness You Probably Do Every Day

Maybe it’s old-fashioned in today’s culture, but I believe there is a reason that RAOK’s became a trend. I think it is because most people in today’s society want to get back to a simpler time when people were naturally kind. The RAOK movement intends to make kindness the norm. Making kindness normal means you don’t have to do generous and outrageous acts of kindness every day. Sure, those types of RAOK’s are fantastic! But if your goal is to perform a random act of kindness every day, you will need to keep it simple most days. If you were raised to be polite, then you are most likely doing these RAOK’s every day without even realizing it:

  • Smile at a stranger in passing. Say hello, while you are at it!
  • Encourage someone who is struggling. We often do this type of RAOK with children to encourage them when they have good behavior or work hard to get their grades up when struggling with their schoolwork. Be someone’s cheerleader!
  • Give a word of praise to someone who’s least expecting it. This could be someone like your boss or a grumpy neighbor. We often don’t realize how much a word of praise can make someone’s day.  
  • Hold the elevator for someone who’s in a rush. You might be in a hurry as well and be tempted to let them catch the next elevator or take the stairs. However, it really only takes a few extra seconds to hold the door and let them get on the elevator with you.
  • Listen to someone’s complaint. This may not sound like a RAOK, but you might be surprised how it makes the complainer feel to have someone really listen to them share their feelings. In today’s culture, we tend to dismiss complaining people because we don’t want to hear negativity. We may even try to give them “advice” to offer a solution. However, sometimes people just want to vent and feel understood in their complaint. If you are that listening ear, it can make them feel like you really do care.
  • Say a heartfelt “thank you.” Sending a “thank you” card may be a very nice touch, but you don’t have to go out and buy cards, envelopes, and stamps. Instead, you can verbally thank someone in a way that shows how truly grateful you are..”
  • Share a friend’s creative work on social media. This is the new “show-and-tell.” However, you get to brag about how awesome your friend is. Your friend will feel appreciated and may gain new followers who are impressed! A bonus is if your friend sells their creations. You may help get your friend some new customers!
  • Leave a blog comment when you read a post that resonates with you. Bloggers value those comments and engagement. It’s another way of letting the author know that you appreciate their work.
  • Tell a frazzled parent what a good job they are doing or how their child behaves so well. Parenting is a thankless job and one of the most challenging jobs there is. However, sometimes parents just need a little encouragement to let them know that you see them, understand what they are going through, and do a great job.
  • Offer to return someone’s shopping cart. This is one of the simplest RAOK’s, and it may take someone by surprise that a stranger would offer to return the cart for them. 
  • Share a kind word of encouragement with a customer service representative either on the phone or in person. Customers often treat them poorly. They are the recipient of countless complaints that usually have nothing to do with them. They are the face of the company and take the verbal beating when angry customers call or stop in, even though they often cannot do anything to change the outcome. It’s so refreshing for them to hear a kind word instead of an angry word. 
  • Give up your seat to someone who is standing on a bus or subway. 
  • Let someone merge in front of you when driving in heavy traffic.
  • Write a recommendation on LinkedIn.
  • Offer to pick up items for others when you run out to get yourself some coffee or lunch.

Now you can see how simple a random act of kindness can be and how you do many of these naturally without even thinking about it. Practice the Golden Rule and treat others how you want to be treated. Most people would tell you that they just want to be treated with respect. They want to be seen and understood. It doesn’t take much effort to treat people this way. Even a stranger you pass on the sidewalk or office hallway.