Expert Virtual Services

AI Tools

Three Ways AI Tools Positively Affect Your Coaching Business

Over the past year, AI tools and artificial intelligence became buzzwords that suddenly all business owners needed to know about and understand. With the explosion of ChatGPT in the market, AI has become commonplace. Without even realizing it, most consumers interact with AI regularly through chatbots and when calling a customer service number. While AI may seem overwhelming and scary in a “big brother” sort of way, read further on how AI tools can positively affect your coaching business. 

Use AI Tools to Enhance Your Creative Process

It’s hard to be a creator and a business owner, isn’t it? It’s like you have to think with different sides of your brain. When you have your business hat on, switching to the creative side can be challenging. And as the brains and creative genius behind your brand, you are constantly thinking about ways in which you can provide unique services to your customers. 

One of the more interesting uses of AI tools is to jumpstart the creative process. Inside of ChatGPT or Google’s Bard, you can describe your target audience, type of business, and current products or services. Then ask these tools for ideas on new products and services. Drill down further and ask about your competitor’s current services. You might be amazed at what you get back! AI’s algorithms can collect and review current offerings from other coaching businesses across the world. 

The result? Ideas that are new to you that can be enhanced to fit your business and customers. Think about the time you will save on research! And that leads us to our next point…

Improve Efficiency via Artificial Intelligence

Researching new ideas and product offerings can take hours. Sometimes you are not sure exactly where to start. By using an AI tool to jumpstart your research efforts, you save time and avoid going into a rabbit hole of research. Let’s face it, we all have researched an idea to only be led down a completely different path. 

AI tools like chatbots are great for increasing efficiency from a customer service perspective. Many customers land on our websites after hours, and a chatbox can answer basic questions or point someone in the right direction. In fact, Hubspot shared a recent blog that cited “71% of customers already expect brands to provide customer support messaging.” Answers to commonly asked questions can be customized using your voice. 

But be careful when using chatbots. Make sure that you have a way for customers to contact you directly via email or phone if they have a specific request. This helps avoid a frustrated customer who just wants to talk to a real person at some point. Offering a scheduling link to set up a phone call or a video meeting. The Hubspot blog shares 17 ways to use chatbots for customer service – see if this makes sense for your business! 

AI Increases Productivity

Chances are you either have a great team in place or need to expand your team to help with everyday operations. As a business owner, you are mindful of labor and contractor costs. Why not use AI to increase productivity of your current team to save money? 

Social media is a massive undertaking that most coaches outsource to someone else. Your business not only needs a social media strategy, but also routine ideas for social media posts, newsletters, and blogs. While your go-to social media person can develop your monthly social media calendar, it could take hours to do this. However, with a tool like ChatGPT by their side, it takes less than five minutes to develop a monthly social media calendar. 

For example, I put the following prompt into ChatGPT: 

“I am a business coach who works with women entrepreneurs who are in the age range of 45-50 years old. I want to create a social media calendar with ideas for posts that they will read, like, and comment on. Create a one-month social media calendar using either Facebook or Instagram.”

In less than two minutes, I received a plan for the next four weeks of posts that could be used Monday – Sunday. Yes, seven days’ worth of posts!  Plus, it reminded me that I needed to engage with my audience on social media to have the most impact. 

Most team members could have put that together in about three to five hours; and if you pay your social media person $50 per hour, that’s a savings of $150 to $250 for just one month of social media ideas. Multiply that by 12 months, and you can send yourself on a weekend getaway to relax and recharge. 


AI clearly provides ways to positively impact your coaching business. While it won’t replace your entire team, AI tools improve efficiency, productivity, and the overall creative process. Do you want to consider ways to improve and streamline your coaching business? Schedule a no-obligation coffee chat with LaRinda Lollis to see how Expert Virtual Services can help you. 

AND…as an added bonus, for the first three coaches who schedule a call, I will share the social media post ideas that ChatGPT produced – totally FREE with no further obligation. 

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