Expert Virtual Services

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 1 of 4

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?  Part 1 of 4

When it was suggested that I write a blog for my website, I fought it for a year.  I started with ‘I’m never going to write a blog and if I have to, then I’ll just quit my business’ to ‘Fine, I’ll do it, but I’m doing it under protest.’  Today I spoke with a client who asked me why I was fighting it.  After thinking about it, I told her it was because I would rather inspire others to pick them up during their day.  She said, ‘Why can’t you inspire through teaching what you know?’

She is right.  So, come join me on this new journey that I’m beginning and see if what I have to say is of interest to you.  Podcasting is one of the services I offer in Expert Virtual Services.

Questions you might want to ask yourself

Are you at the beginning of your journey in Podcasting?  Are you thinking you want to start a Podcast but are not sure how to go about it?  Well, come with me and let’s see if I can help you along your path.  There are a few things you will need to determine before you get too far on this journey:

  1. What will your Podcast be about?
  2. Do you want to do them yourself or do you want to have guest speakers or a combination of both?
  3. How often do you want to publish a Podcast?
  4. How long do you want the Podcast to be?
  5. Do you want to do the editing yourself or hire someone?
  6. Intro & Outro Scripts
  7. Who does the Show Notes, you or someone else?
  8. What formats do you want to load the audio to?

Well, that is quite a bit to handle in one go.  If this has piqued your interest, come back next time to hear more of the story…or contact me now so I can answer your questions.