Expert Virtual Services

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 2 of 4

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 2 of 4

Where did we leave off last time on the Steps I Need to Create a Podcast?  Here is the link for Part 1 if you missed it.  Let’s see now, oh, that’s right, we were asking ourselves some questions.  Let’s take this a few questions at a time, shall we?

What is your expertise?

Hmmm…similar to a blog, when doing a Podcast, you need to determine what your expertise is.  What do you enjoy doing?  What are your skills?  When starting out, make a list of what you enjoy doing.  If you enjoy cooking, could you do a Podcast around cooking skills and recipes? Do you enjoy organizing?  Can you help others by giving tips on how to organize your house or business?

Do you want to do the Podcasts by yourself or with guests?

The next question you will need to answer is:  Do I want to do the Podcasts by myself or do I want to invite guests to talk about their expertise on my topic?  Maybe you want to do a combination of both.  I believe if you do both, then you get the best of both worlds because you can also learn from others to make you better at what you do.

How often do you want to do the Podcast?

Moving right along, how often do you want to do the Podcast?  This is where I’m at with this blog.  How often do I want to interact with all of you?  Do I want to do a weekly blog or a monthly blog?  When determining this, I need to think of the time I have to write and research for my information.  So, when thinking about your timing for the Podcast, you also need to determine how much information you have to impart.  How often can you get a guest to speak on the Podcast?  You will want to have time to research each guest and come up with questions to ask them.  If you decide not to have guests, then how often do you want to talk about your topic?

How long do you want your Podcast to be?

Now you need to decide how long you want the Podcast to be.  When you’re doing the Podcast alone, then you might want to keep it short, maybe 7 to 10 minutes.   For me, at least, 7 to 10 minutes would seem like a long time to talk when by myself.  But if you like to talk, like my sister-in-law, lol,  then you might be able to go longer especially when you start warming up to your topic.  If you have a guest, your Podcast could go as long as 45 minutes.

That’s a lot of information for this time.  So, think about the questions, I’ve asked above and put down on paper your answers. I hope I’ve been able to help you to at least start seeing how you can start your Podcast.

Come back next time to see what you might need to do with the other questions.  If you would like to contact me to help you, please go to my contact form.