Expert Virtual Services

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 3 of 4

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?  Part 3 of 4

Welcome back to What steps do I need to create a Podcast!  Here are the links for Part 1 and Part 2.  I’m glad you decided to come back for more information on starting your Podcast.  How are you doing with the first four questions we addressed last time?  Do you have a topic you want to address?  Have you decided which guests you want to start featuring on your Podcast?  That’s great!  Now let’s talk about whether to hire someone to edit and what the Intro and Outro are.

Do you edit the Podcast or hire someone?

Now you need to decide if you want to edit the Podcast sessions or if you want to hire someone to do it.  I personally use Audacity to edit my client’s Podcasts.  I enjoy the editing process because it’s fun for me to do.  Audacity is a free software and allows you to put all the components together and take out the silences or oops out of the audio.  It is also pretty easy to figure out.

The Intro and Outro

The components may include a blurb about what the Podcast will be about, an Intro, the Podcast and the Outro.  The Intro and Outro both usually include music and a voice-over telling about you and your Brand.  They are usually the same for each Podcast which makes it really easy since you can use the same files each time.  The only files you would need to create for each Podcast would be the blurb at the very beginning and the Podcast itself.

Once you have all your files together, then you would drag them into Audacity.  You put them in the order you want them and line them up, so when one ends, the other begins.  You can then start editing the audio for the blurb and the Podcast.  Once you are done editing the files, you will then export the file to a mp3 file.  It is then ready to import into another software to be published.

Come back next time and I’ll let you know what software I use to publish the Podcast.  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.  It gives me such satisfaction when I have edited a Podcast to know I’ve done my best for my client.

If you decide you only want to do the Podcast but want someone else to put it together and make the edits, contact me and we can discuss what I can do for you.  See you next time!