Expert Virtual Services

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast?

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 4 of 4

What Steps Do I Need to Create a Podcast? Part 4 of 4

Are you ready to learn what software I use to publish my client’s software?  I use Libsyn.  Libsyn allows you to pull the rest of the components for your Podcast into a finalized version ready for publication to your audience.  If you missed Parts 1 – 3 and would like to revisit here are the links:  Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Show Notes

Once your Podcast is edited, which we did last time, you would then upload the mp3 file into Libsyn.  Once you have the mp3 file uploaded, you will then need to put the Show Notes into the software.  The Show Notes are what the Podcast is about.  You might include the following:

  • A short summary of the Podcast
  • An introduction of the guest speaker if you have one:
    • Their LinkedIn links
    • Their website
    • Any freebies they might offer
    • If they have other resources
  • If you decide not to have a guest speaker, then skip above step.
  • Information about you:
    • Your LinkedIn links
    • Your website
    • Any Freebies you might offer
    • If you are an author, then links to your books


You will need to decide which platforms you want to publish your Podcast to.  Some of the Platforms are:

  • Google Play Music
  • Libsyn Classic Feed
  • Network App Listing
  • Podcast page
  • RadioPublic
  • Spotify
  • Web Player
  • iTunes

You will also need a picture of yourself, oh horror of horrors, for the cover of the Podcast.  This picture would always remain the same or you could change it up, whichever is your preference.  The final step is the scheduling of the Podcast.  Decide on what day of the week or month and time you wish to have it published.  If you decide you are going to do one Podcast a week, you will need to decide which day each week you want to publish on.  This way, your audience will come to expect and look for your Podcast when it comes out.  You will be able to create a good following by being consistent with your Podcast.

This should be enough information for you to get started on creating your Podcast and let you decide whether you want to do everything yourself or whether you would rather hire someone to help out.   I am available if you wish to set up a virtual coffee with me to discuss how to proceed.

Podcasts, like blogs, can be fun to do.  I have discovered that by doing this blog for you, I actually enjoy doing it and it wasn’t the monster I believed it was in the beginning.  Hope you decide to come back to discover what else I may be able to help you with in your business.  Looking forward to meeting with you.