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SMART goals, goals, goal-setting, SMART goal method, achieve

Why Setting SMART Goals Is The Smart Way To Achieve Success

Do you have some big goals that you want to achieve? Most of us have at least a few goals to improve our lives or careers. Without goals, there’s not much chance of advancement, and without the challenge of meeting a goal you’ve set for yourself, life would be stagnant. However, the process in which we set goals for ourselves matters. If you genuinely want to achieve your goals, you don’t want to just “wing it.” The smarter way to achieve your goals and success is with the SMART goal-setting method.

SMART Goals Defined

Only you are responsible for whether or not you follow through with achieving the goals you set for yourself. For instance, you may work with a life coach, business coach, mentor, or accountability partner. But they can’t make you achieve your goals. In addition, it takes work, discipline, and dedication on your part. You need a plan to follow, so you don’t get off track. Here’s where SMART goals come into play. The SMART goal-setting method will help you plan how you will go about reaching your goals. SMART is an acronym that is defined as:

S – Specific – significant, simple, or sensible

M – Measurable – meaningful, motivating

A – Achievable – attainable

R – Relevant – realistic, reasonable, results-based

T – Time-bound – time-based, timely, time-sensitive

Why Use The SMART Goals Method?

Using the SMART goals method will help you with your organization, focus, and clarity with your goals. When you use the SMART goals method, it can help you save time and simplify the process of reaching your goals. Therefore, it’s easy to implement, and you can use it for any type of goal you want to achieve. 

How The SMART Goals Method Works

The SMART goals method works well because it lays out each step for you. You can follow these steps to plan out the process to achieve each of your goals.

  1. Specific – Your goal should be clear and specific. Otherwise, you won’t be able to focus on your efforts or have the motivation to accomplish them. Ask yourself the following questions when drafting your SMART goals: 
    • What do I want to accomplish?
    • Why is this goal important to me?
    • Who is involved?
    • Where is it located?
    • Which resources or limits are involved?
  2. Measurable – When your goal is measurable, you can track your progress and stay motivated. You can assess your progress along the way to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement as you get closer to reaching your goal. A measurable goal should address the following questions:
    • How much?
    • How many?
    • How will I know when it’s accomplished?
  3. Achievable – Your goals should be realistic and attainable to be a success. If your goal is too difficult to achieve, you will most likely give up. Above all, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. To ensure your goal is achievable, ask these questions:
    • How can I accomplish this goal?
    • How realistic is the goal?
  4. Relevant – A relevant goal is a goal that truly matters to you. It may even change your life. However, it should still be realistic and reasonable to achieve. Even better is when you can measure the results. A relevant goal should have a “yes” answer to these questions:
    • Does it seem worthwhile?
    • Is this the right time for me?
    • Does this match my other goals/needs/plans?
    • Am I the right person to achieve this goal?
    • Is it applicable to my current life factors (family, finances, etc.)?
  5. Time-bound – Each of your goals should have a target end date. Create a deadline to help keep you moving forward. You may need to ask these questions to come up with an achievable and reasonable deadline:
    • When do I want to achieve it?
    • What can I do six weeks from now?
    • What can I do six months from now (for goals that will take longer to achieve)?
    • What can I do today to move forward and reach my goals?

In conclusion, by implementing the SMART goals method, you will have the ability to achieve your goals faster and with a higher success rate. Remember to celebrate your small wins along the way! The important thing is that you will not feel as overwhelmed about the process of achieving your goals. When you have a plan in place, you can focus on taking each small step instead of looking at the bigger picture. Enjoy the journey, as it’s all part of the growth process.